A team of JR Motorsports employees, 24 strong, headed to Charlotte last weekend to help Receptions in Research: The Greg Olsen Foundation in The HEARTest Yard and Showmars 5k run/walk.
MOORESVILLE, N.C. (May 25, 2016) – A team of JR Motorsports employees, 24 strong, headed to Charlotte last weekend to help Receptions in Research: The Greg Olsen Foundation in The HEARTest Yard and Showmars 5k run/walk.
As usual, they turned up winners.
All 24 JRM employees and their families, led by Amy Reimann, participated in the event, raising funds for the Receptions in Research: The Greg Olsen Foundation, which gave 100 percent of the proceeds to Levine Children’s Hospital for treatment of pediatric heart defects.
Olsen, start tight end for the NFC champion Carolina Panthers, began his foundation when he and his wife Kara found that one of their two children would be born with a severe heart defect. The HEARTest Yard initiative is a family service program administered in conjunction with Levine Children’s Hospital located in Charlotte, NC. This cutting-edge program will provide families of babies affected by congenital heart disease with a multitude of services including in-home, private nursing care, physical therapy and speech therapy among other benefits.
The Dale Jr. Foundation helps the Olsens in many ways, including the Weekend with the 88s program which offers one lucky winner and a guest an unprecedented experience in sports spectating for both NASCAR and NFL events. Details on the third edition of this program will be released in the near future by The Dale Jr. Foundation.